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Email : dra.leonildaq@gmail.com

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About us

DXN was founded by Datuk Lim Siow Jin, a graduate from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology. Datuk Lim started the business in quest of the benefits of mushroom on human health. His deep interest and endless effort drove him to utilize the fullest potential of Ganoderma or Lingzhi, which is well-known as the King of Herbs, for human health and wealth, with the establishment of DXN in 1993.

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    We are from the highlands province of Bolivian. In search of better opportunities, we went to the city at a very young age. We studied technical careers and we worked in different companies. In the end, we dedicated our time to selling school materials wholesale and retail for more than 25 years. When both of us were already 49 years old, we realized that we did not have a retirement plan. We were very tired and had many health problems in addition to a lot of bank debts, debts from friends and family, suppliers of merchandise and many other people, which resulted in a total of more than $us 85000.

    To improve this situation, we joined a MLM company in which we increased our debts even more. However, we understood that if we make an effort we can get ahead despite everything.

    During those difficult times, we did not have a house or money. We lived in rent with 5 children in school and colleges. We were drowning in debt and with nothing to eat, no friends, and no one who trusted us. We only had the support of our children and the hope of that all of this would one day improve with God´s help.

    One day, we went looking for a job that would help us bring bread home. We met a lady I knew who invited us for a cup of 3 in 1 coffee. The result was immediate. We took the empty sachet home and started searching for information about this product. We soon found out that it was from a very big company. Their products tasted like coffee and chocolate, things that people consume for breakfast. And as merchants, we saw great potential in this product and decided to mass produce it due to its high quality. We immediately started the business with Bob 60, which was all the money he had at the time.

    When we started this business, we used to travel 3 times a week to Peru to bring products to Bolivia, collecting the money in advance from the partners until DXN officially opened in my country a year later.

    Consuming the products, we were able to solve all the health problems that my family had. And by doing the DXN career, we paid off all our debts, bought our first house and car. We also had the opportunity to visit many countries around the world with my children.

    This 11-year journey to success has been one of our greatest blessing, learning, perseverance, resistance, permanence, courage and attitude. For us, DXN has been a tool to achieve freedom in health, time and economy. With all the support of our 5 children, they are the reasons why we make this journey in our life. We are very grateful to God, the founder of the company Datuk Lim Siow Jin, to all the Managers, and above all, to my great team and friends from all over the world. That is why we owe this CA pin to them…

    Now, the job is to guide the team and all the people who trusted us and want to reach the top in DXN. We have shown that reaching Crown Ambassador is possible no matter your age or the situation you find yourself in. The only thing that matters is your desire and determination to achieve Freedom.

    We know that this is just the beginning of many greater things to come!


    We are María Olmos and Alvaro Mejia, one of the DXN crown ambassadors. We came from families where being professional is the most important thing and we are grateful for every effort our parents made for our education.

    In 2006, we learnt about the direct selling system and saw the opportunity to apply what we have learnt in the entrepreneurial field. We also learnt that not all direct selling system are real and that on many occasions, our appearance really matters.

    With a son, debts, without a house and a car, but without losing the dream of being an independent entrepreneur, we decided to open our catering company. We were very happy to have our own business, hoping that our life would improve and get much better.

    We firmly believed that if you keep on dreaming and your dreams are big, God will put new opportunities on your way. In March 2011, through a client and a delicious cup of coffee, DXN comes into our life.

    Our experience with DXN products was fascinating. We have improved our mental and physical health. We have also managed to control our weight that we have gained due to the catering business conducted. With DXN we saw a very simple opportunity to develop customers, and find business partners without the need to make large investments.

    We decided to do DXN seriously and professionally by applying all the knowledge acquired. With the discipline of a traditional business, we focus on education and train interested individuals to be a professional distributors in DXN with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly events.

    We have some small capital to bring products from Peru because DXN was still not established in Bolivia at that time. For one year, we maintained the business only with direct sales profits, and with people who dreamed with us.

    Today, seeing these people who dreamed and worked in a committed way with us, living their dreams with cars, houses, opportunities to travel around the world with their families is the greatest satisfaction that DXN has given us.

    Thank you God, thank you Datuk Lim and our powerful team for trusting in this wonderful life project. This is only the beginning. Now we are in 15th position in the DSN Global 100: The Top Direct Selling Companies in the World by Direct Selling News (DSN), we are sure that working professionally as a team and with a vision, we will take this wonderful company to the position it deserves: DXN number 1 in the world.


    Good morning DXN!

    My name is Jaime Colque. Before knowing DXN, I worked as a distributor of a multilevel company living on direct sales without financial freedom. The only remarkable thing that I have achieved with the company is that I have managed to develop my skills.

    My first job was with a tailor shop where I worked for many years. I worked a lot, but earned just a little without having any free time to study. I could not depend on my parents since they were not able to support me financially. However, at that time, my wife worked as a secretary.

    During my previous job, I worked a lot, but with minimum income. I came from a low-income family. As a child, I have always dreamed big to achieve great things and to improve myself and bring my family forward and give them the best. I have always been looking for a real opportunity to generate high income and improve my family's lifestyle.

    I was searching for DXN, as I had already heard and researched about the company and its products. I found that their compensation plan was impressive as it was simple and duplicable. I said to myself, “wow, this is for me”. So one day, a former colleague called me to talk about DXN just at the same time that I wanted to consume the products, to see if they are effective or not. When I started consuming, the first few days as a customer, I was delighted with the result. I said to myself “this really works and the price is affordable”, and that has been the main reason that I started to do DXN full time in the city of El Alto, La Paz in Bolivia. At that time, DXN was not in Bolivia yet, but still, we managed to grow. The company officially established in Bolivia in March 2012.

    What I always dreamed of as a networker is to have financial freedom, freedom of time and freedom to travel, and all of these have came true. I have obtained a lot with DXN in a short amount of time. But this of course came with hard work. With short, medium and long-term plans and goals, I have achieved the status of Diamond, Crown Diamond and Crown Ambassador and I am the first to achieve the status in the country. I am now enjoying the freedom in health, time and financial.

    Once a tailor and now a successful and professional individual in network marketing, I am very proud and thankful of the status of Crown Ambassador that I have achieved. It changed my life forever, and also the lives of others in various countries. With DXN too, we have traveled to a lot of countries all over the world, fully paid by DXN. DXN is a company where all your dreams will come true.

    Now, together with my wife, I have built a legacy so that our next generation and many families in Bolivia will live in peace and freedom.

    My infinite gratitude to Datuk Lim Siow Jin, Mr. Prajith Pavithran, Ms. Bing Undajon-Adalla, the Managers, the Corporate Staff, and the Leaders, for their endless support in my journey with DXN.


    Good Morning DXN!

    My name is Maria Concepcion Navia Meneses, better known as Conny Navia. My career in DXN began with a big dream that I consider is similar to what every other white-collar workers have been dreaming of, which is to have a quality life that allows us to enjoy everything, in a very honorable way and enjoy our career.

    For 30 years, I had been working in the health industry, achieving a modest retirement pension but finally I realized that it was impossible for me to have the quality life that I want with the retirement pension I receive. At the end of my career, I had decided to continue fight for my dreams and goals with the full support from my beloved husband.

    I never let circumstances disconcert me or my dream and I never doubted that I could realize what I have been longing: “My dream was to achieve a quality life for my family”. By working hard to achieve what you want, you leave aside your health, and meeting your needs have become your main priority. Because of this, my health was deteriorating due to excessive working. In 2007, my friends shared with me a product which is coffee with Ganoderma, and I realize that it is a natural product and an opportunity for me because it is a product that we will consume continually.

    I have decided to do some research about Ganoderma and I found out that I needed to improve my health. I and my husband attended a training with our beloved Chief Marketing Officer, Mr. Teoh Hang Ching and since that day, I visualized myself saving the health of my husband and mine and at the same time accomplishing our dream of having a quality life. That was the day we make the decision to join DXN and my adventure in DXN began.

    I put myself at hundred percent in every activities that I have done. We take it very seriously with commitment and professionalism as that has always been our way of working, and to save our health is the most important thing. Training is the primary basic thing we do everyday in order to reach our goals in DXN. Day by day, we keep growing the network, as a part of our development in DXN because the knowledge is continuous and never-ending.

    Our first achievement is the Travel Seminar Incentive (TSI) to Cancun, Mexico. Since then, every year we have been recognized with new ranks and joined TSI, visit different countries and places that we have never imagined. And 2019, we finally achieved the rank of “CROWN AMBASSADOR” which is the highest rank existed in our company with pride and success. With consistency, discipline and perseverance, we finally achieved it.

    Now, we managed to own 5 properties in Mexico City, a ranch in Oaxaca, Mexico and two new SUVs, and most important thing is, we are now debt-free.

    DXN had taught us not to get easily distracted. With the teamwork that I have with my husband and sons, the network is growing and we are living with this value. A great sense of satisfaction was felt when we produced committed leaders with great vision for their life. What more important is that we are doing the correct duplication of our network. My current goal is to continue supporting the Diamonds Team that we committed to help them day by day to achieve their goals so that all of them will become Crown Ambassador as well.

    I would like to thank Datuk Lim Siow Jin, DXN Family, my husband Gustavo, my sons Daniel, Miguel, Isaias, Erick, and Omar for giving me tremendous support. Thank you too to all my networks who are wonderful people and were always together to make all our dreams come true. Our dream has now came true, and it is sure that if our talents, visions, efforts and teamwork can be united, we can make the world to be a better place for our younger generations so that they can learn about health maintaining, fulfilling their time with passion, attitude, love and vision which are the key ingredients that I have been practicing throughout this 11 years, living in a continuous learning process.

    My wish is to continue to inspire more people and educate them that sky is the only limit and that everyone could be achieving their dreams.


    Good morning DXN.

    My name is Edilia García. I was born in Morelia Michoacán, Mexico. The goal of sharing my story is to inspire everyone and to show that despite the adversities in life, you can still achieve your dreams.

    I had a difficult childhood, and didn’t get the chance to study, so I do not have an academic degree, but since I was a kid I have always dreamed of a different life for me. I have two beautiful daughters, Nancy and Nelly, whom I consider a blessing. At that time, I had a debt of 150,000 dollars. My oldest daughter was very sick, as I did not have sufficient money to buy basic necessities or food, while my youngest daughter had to leave school due to financial constraints.

    Before DXN came into my life, I was a saleswoman but heavily in debt. Through my ignorance, I sold everything but I was not focused on anything, therefore I never had any successful results. I didn’t know what direct selling was and my first venture in a direct selling company before DXN, was one of the worst experience of my life because although I worked very hard, but at the end they took everything from me. I did not understand why this had happened to me, but I am very thankful to God for all the things that I have gone through. Today I understand that God had something bigger in store for me.

    When I was at the lowest point of my life, in desperation, I prayed to God to help me get out of the state of poverty in which I was. I was disappointed and frustrated, but God heard my prayers and one day, good fortune called DXN knocked on my door. I am grateful to the person who introduced me to the DXN business. Thanks to this person's insistence, after several visits, I finally said yes to DXN. I started by consuming DXN coffee, and when I began to see positive results with my health, I started to share DXN with more people.

    The road to success was not a smooth one. Since DXN was not yet established in Mexico and I could not afford to invest in DXN, I could not give out free coffee samples but could only offer the DXN Coffee sachets to the customers to smell its aroma. With no training and lack of knowledge of the DXN System, we failed in the first 10 months but despite all the obstacles, we were able to make DXN known in Mexico.Things began to look up for us, when we had our first training with three people on January 4, 2007. The next day we rented a small room and the first 17 people from this first group arrived. During this training was when I understood that DXN was the company that I was waiting for. They asked us three questions : Do you know anyone who drinks coffee? Do you know anyone who has a health problem? Do you know anyone who needs money? My mind began to project itself to something very big because I realized that I was in the right industry. Then the next question was if we wanted to achieve financial freedom, but in my ignorance I did not understand what that was. I was told that it means to earn a million a year or 80,000 pesos a month. So I asked what I should do? The answer was simple, focus and work, let yourself to be guided and do not change the system.

    From that moment on, I put aside the catalogs of other companies and put my full focus and energy into DXN. I was told that within 3 to 5 years I can reach my financial freedom, but I was pleasantly surprised when I managed to achieve financial freedom within one and a half years. Of course I focused only on DXN and worked very hard, but nothing is free in this life and I had to pay the price by not being able to spend time with my daughters. However, although I went through many obstacles, I managed to turn them into opportunities. Over time I learned that loyalty, commitment, perseverance and constancy are very important ingredients in order to achieve success and when you support your members and your team, the faster you will reach your goal. I thank God, DXN, the whole team, my daughters and DXN staff for all the support I have received, because without all of them, I would not have reached my goal. My life has changed considerably for the better. I managed to pay off my debt within three years. With little by little investment, today I have 7 authorized service centers. When I was a child I dreamed of traveling around the world and DXN has made this dream come true. My message is this : no matter what you have gone through in life, if you believe in what you are doing and if you have confidence and faith in the project that is being presented to you; you will achieve great things in life. You cannot stop working hard or blame others for your problems. There are no excuses for not achieving everything you set for yourself; remember that everything is within you.This road has not been easy but it has been worth it. DXN gives you the opportunity to achieve health, wealth and happiness. And today I want to also thank the 20 Diamonds who believed in this project and who believed in me, because thanks to the work in these past 10 years I was able to achieve the status of Crown Ambassador. This success is not only mine but of the whole team. Since I have achieved my goal, my commitment is to support each one of you who wish to achieve the level of Crown Ambassador. I made the commitment to myself that I will achieve my Crown Ambassador status together with the people from my country and today this is a reality. I am a proud woman, I am Mexican and I want to thank Datuk Lim, and congratulate him for the many lives that he has changed, not only my life and my daughters, but countless others. Thank you!


    My name is José Alfredo Collado Palacio. I come from a family of social photographers, and I have dedicated myself to this beautiful profession since I was 12 years old. At the age of 15, I was involved in a severe car accident where I almost lost my foot. Surgical nails were placed for the reconstruction of the foot bones, resulting in constant joint pain and difficulty performing my daily chores.

    For an extended period in my life, I attended social events to capture photographs and earn an income. However, after getting married, I became an employee for the first time. Faced with various challenges and limited income, I eventually returned to my profession as a photographer.

    In September 2008, a friend first introduced me to the MLM business. Initially skeptical, I didn't think much of it for several months. It wasn't until he sent me a pack of Lingzhi 3 in 1 Coffee to sell that I started promoting DXN coffee, hoping to find interested consumers.

    While selling the product, I received numerous testimonies about the health benefits from those who consumed it. My friend then introduced me to Vita Café, which not only had a delicious taste but also helped alleviate the pains from my accident. This became a breakthrough moment, prompting me to conduct in-depth research about the product and DXN. I was impressed by the company's extensive reach, with operations in more than 100 countries. Intrigued by this global presence, I decided to explore the Central Offices in Mexico, a journey that took more than 12 hours from my place of origin.

    I officially entered the world of entrepreneurship with DXN on January 8, 2009—a date that marked a profound transformation in my life. During one of the workshops, I had the privilege of meeting Crown Ambassador Edilia García García. Her compelling presentation and testimonial left a lasting impact on me, as I discovered that I was part of her downline. Inspired by this connection, we began working closely together. With great enthusiasm, we initiated home meetings and delved deeper into the intricacies of the business.

    I encountered significant criticism initially, especially from my family who doubted my venture into the DXN business. Despite facing tests that seemed to push me towards giving up, I persevered. My faith in the endeavor remained strong because I believed that enduring these challenges would eventually lead to enjoying the rewards.

    In November 2009, I successfully opened my own Service Center, collaborating with a wonderful team. The establishment of the service center was made possible through a combination of my personal savings and support from my dedicated team, all with the goal of achieving greater success.

    In December 2015, I participated in my first International Leadership Camp in the Americas, held in Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico. It was during this event that I shifted my focus from mere bonuses to consolidating a robust marketing network that promised excellent income. I began training leaders and fostering the development of new diamonds, creating a demand for the product. Through sharing, conducting training sessions, and implementing the training system, I consistently duplicated success, greatly aided by the unwavering support from DXN and my mentor, Crown Ambassador Edilia García.

    I am immensely grateful to my team. Collectively, we achieved the 1st and 2nd positions in sales for IOC packages in Mexico in 2015. Additionally, we secured the 1st place in sales, IOC package sales, and recruitment in both 2018 and 2019.

    One of my dreams was to have my family actively involved in DXN. In 2015, my wife, María del Carmen Martínez Esperón, joined the venture. Together, we doubled our results by combining our skills to maximize opportunities. We took on the role of guiding the team around us, applying the leadership training system, and providing training to the members of our network.

    During the pandemic, both of my sons, Alfredo and Luis Collado Martínez, faced unemployment. As a family, we decided to come together and work as a team. In 2021, we proudly inaugurated our second and third service centers in the city of Tabasco.

    DXN has not only bestowed upon us health but has also fulfilled all our dreams. We now own houses and cars, have enjoyed memorable trips, and established a solid income. One of our greatest dreams is for my entire family to partake in this grand life project and enjoy its benefits.

    We achieved the prestigious title of Crown Ambassador during DXN's 30th Anniversary celebration in October 2023 in Malaysia. My wife and I received a warm welcome from our Executive Chairman, Datuk Lim Siow Jin, and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Teo Hang Ching. This coronation ceremony marked a historic moment for Tabasco, as we became the first Crown Ambassadors in our city and the fifth in all of Mexico. Our accomplishment stands as a testament to the world that through adequate training, focus, determination, persistence, and teamwork, immense success can be achieved.



    Good morning DXN!

    I am Lupita Gutierrez and this is my story before and after joining DXN.

    Before knowing DXN, my future was uncertain. Although I had a beauty academy, I was a slave of my work and time. I didn´t have time to spend time with my beloved sons. Even the money is just enough to meet my expectations and for my sons education. I always wanted to give them the best and that impulse myself to work extremely hard.

    Another thing that I worried was my financial future. I was stressed thinking about that one day when I would depend financially from my children. I know that my children are good, and they will not abandon me, but I do not want to be a burden to them.

    So, I searched for another option in other multilevel companies but none of them met my expectations. Finally, I decided the networking companies were not for me. However, one day two ladies arrived at my business very excited, they are Ms. Issa del Castillo and Ms. Edilia García.

    When I heard their proposal, it was not interesting to me, as I said before, no one networking company have met my expectations. But I still joined DXN, not for the business, but because they were my friends and also the kit I started came with a beautiful and very professional executive briefcase.

    Even I was uninterested with the business, Mrs. Edilia and Mrs. Issa had a lot of patience with me. They follow up with me, and thanks to that, my income began to increase month by month, and my lifestyle totally changed. That was the moment I left the beauty academy and started doing the business full time.

    Finally, I could spend more time with my children. I have the opportunity to know beautiful and exclusive places in other countries, have the purchasing power and managed to buy my own houses and cars, and most importantly, thanks to DXN, I can leave a legacy to my children.

    Now, I can enjoy the life with my children and grandchildren, who have worked with me in this beautiful company and love DXN so much as I do. I no longer worry about the age or my financial stability or my children as I now have a safe and profitable retirement.

    I´m infinitely grateful to DATUK Lim Siow Jin, DXN, Mrs. Issa del Castillo and Mrs. Edilia Garcia since they have brought this opportunity to me that change my life.


    Before DXN, I worked in other companies searching for health, instead of doing business, because I already had my own business in the public transportation sector. Unfortunately, because of several thefts, I had to give up that business.

    Due to the above situation, my health deteriorated to the point of suffering serious intestinal problems. It was during that time that I met someone who was a DXN member, and who was so determined during the 6 months he took to convince me to join the business, although I repeatedly told him; "Really, coffee? Are you crazy? I have serious intestinal problems, my doctor forbade me coffee". After explaining to me about the product, I was convinced to taste DXN coffee and was happy to find that it did not cause me any negative effects and I was even able to sleep peacefully that night, something that I was not able to do in a long time.

    Once I tasted DXN coffee, my faith in the product began. When I first started with the DXN business, people had no idea of my economic situation; no one knew that I didn’t even have enough money to buy a simple soda. I could not even buy my own membership, but my wife helped me and thanks to her, we were able to begin our DXN journey. When I first started the business, my strategy was to use the sense of smell. I introduced the product to people by asking them to take a sniff of the coffee in its sachet and when they got a whiff of the delicious aroma of DXN coffee, they bought the product immediately.

    Since I understood the structure of the DXN business, I knew I had a lottery ticket in my hands: we all want to buy a car, a house or travel, but only a few will take the risk and the opportunity to buy that ticket and make their dreams come true. In 20 days, I became a Star Agent (SA) because I worked hard enough to sell 500 boxes of product. That’s why I ask you, "When are you starting?". The first year is going to be difficult, but if you have the drive and focus in the business, in building your network and you practice the DXN culture, then you are on the right track.

    There is a big difference between an employee and us; if the employee decides to take a vacation, his income will stop during that time. On the other hand, the DXN distributor that has a solid network and has committed to the company, will receive his paycheck every month. That is not something you hear every day, right? I thank all the people who have helped me overcome challenges and for their effort because if it was not for the teamwork, the network would not be the same today. And of course, I thank my wife and sons for supporting me in this business, because without them none of this would be possible. "Be careful! Because in DXN, if you have a dream, those dreams can come true!"


    My name is Edwin Condori Aycaya, I am from the city of Tacna, between the borders with Chile. That’s when I met the DXN family in May 2010 while I was on a vacation to the city of Puno where I have a family. That is where they show me the opportunity, it was my sister and brother-in-law who introduced me to DXN. I remembered that they held a talk where they invited me and shared the arrival of DXN in Peru. The expectations were great as they spoke about the company and what I most rescued from this meeting for me was the exorbitant amounts that they manifested, which caused a great impression to the point that I decided to join DXN the next day. I gave up everything. From being close to my family to the city where I lived and to my traditional job with which I lived in the city of Antofagasta, Chile.

    It was the most difficult decision I have ever made in my entire life. If there was something I had to exploit, it was the knowledge and experience I had up to that moment. I was 35 years old and if life had taught me until then, it was that, if one want to achieve his results he had to devote all his efforts to one thing.

    I started my work at DXN with 100%, I had all the desire, attitude, and emotion. Within a few days, I began to know DXN. I was passionate for all the advantages that this business system offered me. We began to nurture ourselves with the little information that there was. I still remember that I watched our corporate video over and over again because I wanted to understand the vision of our founder. And I think I have seen that video more than 1000 times because, for me, it was my fuel that motivated me.

    So we started going on trips to other cities and other countries where we had no excuses for anything. On the contrary, it was wonderful to meet new people with big dreams with whom we had something in common, to achieve together everything that DXN offered us. After 8 months of hard work without schedules, we were presented with large orders from distributors. There was a hunger for success because the results of the products were surprising and their effectiveness motivated us to be able to do business with great confidence and security.

    After 8 months, we decided to do the work with my wife's distributor code because it was the code that was being developed the most to the point that the bonus we received is already surprising. So after 3 years of working, I still remember that I told my wife that I would support her until she became Triple Diamond and that I had a code that I had to work on. So I came back after 3 years to work on my code. I felt so prepared to start from scratch because I had all the knowledge about the marketing plan and the game therapy. I knew how to start increasing the growth of my network, so my greatest strength was getting all the experience from those 3 years.

    I felt safe and without fear of being able to develop a structured job. So in the next 3 years, I already achieved the rank of Double Diamond and I understood that the results are obtained, thanks to the great support of the plan and the products. One of the big dreams that I was able to realize was to build a house for my parents where we feel that DXN can fulfill each of our dreams.

    Today with great satisfaction I can say that we have our own home which has a wonderful view in front of the highest lake in the world, Titicaca Lake.

    I have the honor and responsibility of directing 2 authorized service centers, one in the city of PUNO and the other in the city of LIMA, for which we bought our own facilities for the two service centers and thus, were able to have all the comforts to reflect what DXN really is.

    This year, in 2022, we decided to become crown ambassadors on July 28, which is the independence day of our country, and to be able to say that we are free in all the fields that life gives you. So today I want to thank God for allowing me to meet DXN, our Executive Chairman & Founder Datuk Lim Siow Jin, in the place where our mentors Mr. Prajith and Ms. Evelyne who helped us unconditionally in our growth, to all our beloved DXN PERU staff from management to the last worker, and most importantly, thanks to all my team who made all this possible. Thank you DXN PERU.


    My name is Pedro Apaza Quispe and I am from Juliaca, San Román, Puno, Peru. I lost my father at the age of 8, and at the age of 12, I had to leave my hometown for Lima, Peru. There used to be 9 of us, but sadly four of my brothers have died. Without my father, my mother became the sole breadwinner, raising all of us. So, I decided to go to Lima so I could work during the day and continue to study at night. While I was in Lima, I worked as a shoeshine boy in Castañeta park. I continued to work as a shoeshine boy until I was called to attend the obligatory military service, where my primary task was also shining boots. After leaving the military service, I studied fashion and learnt about design and started my own textile business in Gamarra Empire Commercial.

    I was successful in the textile industry but I worked too much, all day long, with 60 tailors and five stores. My financial situation was never a problem, but it was time and health that was troubling me. Working too hard caused a lot of health problems and I had to go to hospitals and clinics to seek treatment. Doctors had diagnosed me with various types of diseases. Due to this, I was very desperate for help and tried natural products to help improve my health. Sadly the products were of no help in improving my health. One fine day, I found a DXN 3 in 1 coffee sachet and decided to try the drink. I started to feel the positive effects upon drinking the coffee and so on 17th September 2010, I joined DXN.

    I was advised to attend DXN's training sessions, but I could not understand the need for it. However, one day, I decided to allocate some of my time to attend a DXN workshop on the Compensation Plan. During the workshop, I was shocked with the numbers that I could be earning by doing the business with DXN and became more interested in the DXN business. I decided to introduce and take DXN products from Lima to Bolivia. After a year of bringing the products to Bolivia, I found a person who was interested and wanted to register to be a DXN distributor. However, in order to register him, I had to go back to Lima as there were no other Service Centers anywhere else except in Lima. A year after that, I applied to start my own Service Center in Juliaca and it was so successful that it was named the best Service Center for 2 years in a row.

    We have been expanding the network to all the South American countries and today we have expanded our network to more than 100 countries. It is amazing that the DXN system is simple and wonderful and it promotes total freedom. Thanks to God and Datuk Lim Siow Jin, I am now a DXN Crown Ambassador (CA). I may not have gone to a university to study, but I believe with honesty and experience, I've learnt a lot about the world, and it is all thanks to DXN.

    Our goal is to help everyone to have a better understanding of the DXN system. Its trainings and events can serve as a platform for one to share the knowledge on DXN and at the same time to develop one's leadership.

    I am now free from problems, diseases and debts. I made a wise decision in joining DXN as it helped change my life. DXN has provided such a good system and products that have changed the life of many. I would like to thank Datuk Lim Siow Jin, the founder and CEO of DXN for such a great system and business, my family for all their prayers and supports, and also to everyone who has believed in me throughout my journey in doing the DXN business. Thank you so much and may God bless you all!


    Good morning DXN Family. My name is Epifania Apaza Condori and currently live in Puno, the folkloric capital of Peru, near one of the natural wonders of the world. I met DXN at the most difficult moment of my life when I faced bank debts that exceeded fifty thousand dollars. Looking for solutions, I went through seven MLM systems. Those systems failed to help me with the health and financial problems I had, much less fulfill my needs and dreams. I was looking for something better since my reality was very stressful and problematic, and I only had God to ask, for my two children, for them more than for me, an opportunity, to help me start over.

    This is how DXN came into my life. It started with four Lingzhi 2 in 1 coffee sachets. I was curious about how to start when our Chief Marketing Officer, Mr. Prajith Pavithran, arrived in Juliaca, whom I remember saying that "In DXN, it was not necessary to invest to earn money. The only thing that is required is human capital”. Understanding that was what motivated me, because I no longer had money, but I knew many people. So I began to recommend it, but at first, not many believed in the way DXN works.

    I scheduled trips to Bolivia, wanted to cross borders and despite not having money, thanks to the support of my family, I traveled with 7 bags of Lingzhi 2 in 1 Coffee. I then realised that the Bolivian market is more open. I later decided to return but with 12 bags. Soon, that amount no longer enough to supply me and that is how I began to team up with an affiliate with whom we already had the experience of traveling to Bolivia and affiliated with friends from La Paz. I looked for another group to continue with the trip to Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. And even so, I couldn't stock up on products. It was there that I sought to work as a team with the person who owns the Puno Service Center, who without hesitation said that he could. That motivated me much more to continue with the project; but we find ourselves with the great challenge of carrying more products.

    Thanks to God and many brave people who were able to experience the quality of the product for their health, we were able to grow bringing along our experiences and the products to Bolivia, although there were many obstacles and bad experiences. It was important to see that the process does not always went good, it has its own up and down from which you learn, to continue improving.

    We continued to carry products and simultaneously the market in Bolivia, continued to grow on scales that even we could not imagine. It was like a trigger that grew exponentially, and for that, we will always be grateful for the enormous support that the leaders in Bolivia gave us.

    In 2012, DXN Bolivia was inaugurated. Thank God, by that time I was already getting better and we decided to promote and grow in Peru. It was in the same year that my husband too started his DXN business. We began to travel with our TSI earned and we continued to do so until date.

    There were years of much learning, and by 2014 I had a Service Center on the border with Bolivia in Desaguadero, and a second Service Center in San Sebastian, Cuzco. Over time we saw the results and we began to reap the rewards and see dreams come true, every effort has its reward, and always focused on our Company. Today I can say that it was worth going through this process and reaching the rank of Crown Ambassador on July 28, the day of our independence from Peru and National Holidays.

    We thank God in the first place, our Executive Chairman & Founder of DXN, Datuk Lim Siow Jin, and his enormous effort in making these products travel the world changing lives, our Management in charge of Mr. Prajith Pavithran and Ms. Evlyne Ng, for their virtue of teaching and motivating, to all the staff in Peru and their incredible dynamic and organization, to my upline sponsor Mr. Rafael Diaz and his enormous unconditional support, to many leaders from different countries who showed me that nothing was needed to get started, my family for being there when I had no one else to turn to, and my big family at DXN for all the support during the hard times and for all the support in the best times.


    “Fighting the current seems unlikely when resources are scarce. One can give up in the search for success if obstacles appear in each step taken, as if life does not want you to reach the goal.”

    Niel Gustavo Arroe Aguirre, since young age, was clear about money, his dreams and how to achieve them, which is by working hard. However, the way to achieve his goals and enjoy them has made him different from the rest of people in the world. With DXN, Niel understood that this difference was fine, that it was for those who see success quickly in their lives, those who want to fulfill their dreams; the path of winners, with a world renowned and transparent company, backed by 28 years of experience and more than ten million distributors worldwide.

    Niel Arroe was persevered for almost eleven years as a pioneer of DXN in Peru, which has earned him the highest rank in DXN, the Crown Ambassador. That perseverance shaped him since young age. He desired to undertake his native Andamarca, Huancayo, however, he never received any type of guidance to start or how to generate income. He learned by helping his cousin to sell jellies, receiving some candies as payment, but it was not enough, so he began to help in the preparation of jellies to learn how to make them himself, to sell them and generate income. He understood the power of the sales force, and asking other children of the village to help him sell his jellies in exchange for some candy.

    From a humble origin, a boy who liked to play with some stones and pretend that it were cars and imagine that the soil was the road, the limitation that he had has shaped his childhood and fueled his desire to prosper.

    He longed to go further and hope to travel the world. However, his mother’s wish is for him to stay in her village, as he was her only child. His future would continue to be in Andamarca, where he could only become a teacher or a policeman, and keep his family's lands. At the age of twelve, he moved to Tingo María with his uncles, looking for a better future. However, the reality that he found was similar, he had to help milk the cows, distribute milk throughout the town and group the calves. His motivation to continue training as a successful and good man, led him to enlist in the Peru Army until he finished his military career. After that, he continues his life journey in the city of Huánuco to study Law. However, he knew that he was only accumulating degrees to prove he was the best in his family. He realized that studying is good generally, but it is not going to give him the financial freedom he longed for. He knew there must be other opportunity to do business and earn money, so he began to investigate.

    His desire for economic freedom led him to try various trades. One of them was being the sales person of imported cars in Pucallpa. While his income was significant, it was a very self-sacrificing and absorbing job. He began to search for smart ways to earn money. It was later that he became acquainted with network marketing.

    He was skeptical of the business system. "I saw so many companies collapsed in my country and in other countries." After a meeting where he was presented with a business book "The Money Flow Quadrant", he knew that he must follow the line of a business owner, who uses "a system that is already approved and that works using the leverage of other people”.

    Before DXN, he joined around 20 companies, where he learned that several of these companies were either pyramid businesses which require considerable amounts of investment money, or systems that were difficult to achieve. The biggest problem with all of them was that after a while, they collapsed and finally disappeared. Money comes and goes fast, with no long-term benefit.

    After many unsuccessful experiences, he looked for a more secure, proper and honest company. In 2009 she met DXN through Rafael Díaz, Miluska Alvarado, Alina Tavara and Maria Lourdes Paja. After researching about DXN, he knew that the company is legitimate, honest, and comprehensive. It has wonderful products, and he thought “this company has to be in Peru”. Thus, that's the beginning of the story and the relationship between Niel and DXN.

    The fact that DXN is in number 15 of the best 100 Direct Sales Companies, established in more than 185 countries, has international certifications for its products has given it the prestige of world quality.

    DXN began its operations in Peru; officially, on January 18, 2010 as DXN International Peru S.A.C. Niel Arroe and his wife Lisbeth Souza, Rafael Díaz, Alina Tavara, Lourdes Paja and many more Peruvian leaders were the pioneers and founders in bringing the company and the products of this Asian company to the South American country. Before the company was registered in the country, they toured the entire coast, highlands and jungle to introduce DXN's products, delicious and healthy with Ganoderma. The financial income gave Niel motivation, even though the amount was not substantial at that time. His patience paid off for him and DXN in Peru. As DXN Peru consistently held the No. 1 leader in sales worldwide for more than 5 years.

    Now, his children are following his footsteps in doing the business. Any family will believe you if you show them results. This is because DXN's business is inheritable. The benefit of DXN in your life is that it’s not a selfish business. Instead, it is a business that you can share, in which you make long lasting friendships and integrate with the family.

    "With DXN I am fulfilling my dreams." During his childhood, he used to play with stones, as if they were cars. Those stone cars have now been replaced by real cars. "Now, I have more than 30 cars, as my dream was to have ALL the cars that I like. The ones that I didn't have as a child." In addition, “I am building the house of my dreams, where I have been able to build a pool on the sixth floor, with a panoramic view of a beautiful park. I am also traveling the world. I have been to Dominican Republic, Cuba, Cancun, Dubai, USA, Spain, Mexico and even to Malaysia, where the DXN plantations are. DXN has fulfilled my expectations and resolved my doubts about how to do this network marketing business”. He's excited for the people who trusted him when he offered the project to them, as they now also see the results.

    Today, he continues to work and strive with DXN to continue fulfilling more dreams, of his and other leaders’ who follow the path to financial freedom.

    “In our organizations, there are many people with dreams, people who trust one. Marketing networks are of leadership. One has to teach by example and all the company information has to be legitimate, honest and transparent towards distributors. I have achieved my great dream of being a Crown Ambassador and I will continue to work hard to help others to reach their goals as well”. “At DXN, I found a perfect, legitimate and upright company. And by being an independent distributor of this company, I was able to fulfill my dreams.”


    Nicolas Canazas Rodrigo was born in Puno. He completed his primary and secondary studies in the city of Arequipa. Searching for a work opportunity, he moved to the city of Cusco where he studied for High School in the "Faculty of Business Administration".

    Saturnina was born in the district of Huarocondo, Anta province of the city of Cusco. She completed her primary studies in the district of Huarocondo and her secondary at the city of Cusco.

    They met in 1985 and entered the university together and graduated in 1995 with a degree in administrative sciences. In 1984, they had their first child named Willer, followed by their second child named Naiy Ruth a few years later, and their youngest, Edgar was born a few years later after Naiy Ruth. With three children, it created greater needs for which they have been able to carry out different activities such as transportation, natural medicine, and others. They were always looking for something better and that was how in 2012, Mr. Manuel Izaziga Rondoy, who was in the traditional work center that they had in the Wanchaq Cusco market, prospected them after a broad explanation and proof of the DXN products.

    At first, they did not have any knowledge of the products. They then requested a visit from their sponsor, who gladly visited them and also sent them products from the city of Lima. Thereafter, the first DXN service center was established in the City of Cusco by Mr. Joaquin Curo Casani, which greatly facilitated the prospect and helped many more people in health and the economy.

    In compliance with the recommendations of their sponsor, they started their business, carrying the message of health, wealth, and happiness, with all the necessary strength. First, they approach their family members, to whom they explain the products and how to generate points from consuming them. And with their support, after 15 days, they achieved the first-star rank. After 5 months, they achieved Star Diamond, and after 9 years, 10 months and 15 days they became Crown Ambassadors.

    For everything stated above, they are very grateful to God. They were also very thankful to Datuk Lim Siow Jin, who is focusing on the health, peace, and prosperity of humanity around the world by created the DXN Company. As a result of their effort and love for the products, the educational system, and the DXN Company, they now achieved success, health, and prosperity. Thank you very much DXN!

    Nicolas also retired from his traditional job on December 31, 2020, after working as a public employee for 41 years, 6 months and 15 days.


    We are Ramiro Calle and Ana Garcia and we would like to share with you our story. We can say that we have achieved our dreams, we have traveled the world, we have a dream house, our own office, and Service Center, an ecotourism farm, and our own cars. We live freely and are enjoying life with our children and our precious family and today, we are a DXN Crown Ambassador.

    My parents had few independent businesses for a long time. My father was a businessman and my mother ran a restaurant. As a child, I traveled a lot with my father for his businesses and he left me with a reflection that marked my future "What it takes for an entrepreneur to achieve financial freedom in 10 years, in a traditional job it would take 30 to 40 years."

    With that message in my mind and seeing my mother worked from early morning until night just to pay the rent for the restaurant, house, and raising her children. In the end, both my father's and my mother's businesses went bankrupt. That stage of my life was one of the reasons for me wanting to move forward and give them a better quality of life. That was the time that I found DXN.

    During the process and wonderful path in DXN, I met the love of my life, Anita Garcia. I was amazed to see that she had a successful family. They enjoyed DXN's TSI together, thanks to the opportunity provided by DXN. We realized that we have the same vision and same dreams. Therefore, we decided to get married at the JW Marriot and raise a beautiful family.

    Anita's success story is full of sacrifices and perseverance just like mine, and in the same way, she managed to overcome the obstacles that came her way.

    My wife, Anita, comes from a family of separated parents and four other siblings, of who she is the eldest. She studied Business Administration and worked with a law firm. Thanks to her mother, Martha Izasiga and her uncle, Manuel Yzaziga, she had the opportunity to meet DXN. She decided to take the opportunity with DXN, because she was working more than 12 hours a day. Her credit cards were maxed out, and she had to help with household expenses, and support her family. With the great dream of helping her brothers with the payment of their university studies, she was able to achieve it and it is all thanks to DXN.

    At the beginning of her career with DXN, she had to pay for the rental of premises and operating expenses for meetings in the north of Lima with the salary from her traditional job, to grow her organization and give training with the support of her family. When DXN officially opened in January 2010, she resigned from her job and dedicated herself to DXN, obtaining a solid organization and one of the top-selling service centers.

    My side of the story, I studied Customs Administration and Foreign Trade. I then continued my study in Medical Visits at the Cayetano Heredia Medical Corporation. That was when I found out about the DXN opportunity. I was studying Law and thanks to DXN I was able to do a Highly Specialized Coach and Leadership diploma at the USIL Postgraduate School.

    When I decided to do DXN, I initially had to manage the costs of lodging and food. I had to rent a small room in the province and eat in cheap restaurants and from scratch, I had to start forming my organization in Lima and other provinces with little money, but million dollar attitude. In the beginning, my family, friends, and especially my father did not believe in any network marketing company. For them, doing DXN was a waste of time and something that would not help to make my dreams come true. However, Javier Calle, my uncle, left me a great legacy and taught me that despite the difficult times, you always have to give your best.

    Anita and I went through great challenges before and after we met. But today, we are very happy and we have 2 children, Ramiro and Dylan Calle Garcia. They are our greatest motivation to continue and they are very focused in doing the DXN business. We were advancing, building our dreams. It is something special to acquire our apartment, our cars, and the commercial premises of Los Olivos. We have been able to get the house of our dreams of 1300m², with a swimming pool, a garden, a courtyard, a gym, a Jacuzzi, and a sauna.

    We also acquired a tourist area of 20,000m² with 4 water sources, where we can enjoy nature.

    We always carry in our hearts the words of Datuk Lim Siow Jin, that with DXN, one can enjoy his dream car and house, be a free person and enjoy the time with his loved ones.

    I thank God very much for granting DXN in our lives, my family, my children who are my motivation, and the entire organization of my wife and mine that is formed throughout the years. We are already getting close to 2,000,000 monthly PV. Thanks to the leaders who are focus, persevere, committed, determine, we have nearly 1,200 diamonds within the organization from Peru and other countries. I would like also to thank Datuk Lim Siow Jin for being a visionary, who despite the difficulties faced, he was able to change the lives of thousands of people across the world.

    I would also thank DXN Peru, Mr. Prajith, Ms. Evlyne, and the entire DXN Peru Staff for the hard work they have been doing over the years.

    This is just the beginning and we are going to continue bringing Health, Wealth and Happiness to every home. My aim is to help the leaders in my organization achieve their goals of becoming the next Crown Ambassador.

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Healthy & Wealthy Life. Financial & Time Freedom. Anything is possible with DXN. So join us now.

DXN Marketing Plan

The DXN marketing plan includes basic definition of the status (PV, SV, PPV,....QSA,QSD) and information on the reward system. It describes the status/position, which can be achieved by DXN distributors.

Icing On the Cake (IOC)

It enables you to increase your income, motivate your non-active distributors, accelerate your network expansion, purchase any mix of available products at prevailing DP and mainly buy once and earn forever.

Contact Us


  • Contact Person : Ms. Joan Nicolas Flores
  • Tel : (591)3122985
  • E-mail : atencionalcliente@dxn2u.com


  • Contact Person : Mr. Ravi Kumar
  • Tel : + 55 (11) 911995856
  • E-mail : contato@dxn2u.com

DXN Colombia S.A.S

  • Contact Person : Katherine Ortiz
  • Tel : 601 7477428 (Bogotá) / 604 4019326 (Medellin)
  • E-mail : pqr@dxn2u.com

DXN Trading Ecuador Cia. Ltda

  • Contact Person : Srta. Katherine Ortiz
  • Tel : (593) 04-5031305
  • E-mail : katherine@dxn2u.com


  • Contact Person : Ms. Perla Rodriguez
  • Tel : (555) 207-6228
    Fax No : (555) 207-6229
  • E-mail : contacto_mx@dxn2u.com

DXN International Panama S.A

  • Contact Person : Perla Rodriguez
  • Tel : 507-2928177-2929117
  • E-mail : dxnpanama.sales@dxn2u.com

DXN International Peru S.A.C.

  • Contact Person : Mr. Erick Garcia
  • Tel : (511) 241 7148 / 447 7339 / 444 2844
    Fax : (511) 447 8813
  • E-mail : css_peru@dxn2u.com


  • Contact Person : Mr Pedro
  • Tel : 787-615-3368
  • E-mail : daxenpr2u@gmail.com
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